
目前,如果讓平民只說一句話,那就是:“言論自由(Freedom of Speech)”!


平民泰山玉皇頂兩中華旗(Pingmin on the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai with Two Flags of China, 20131004)(攝影:紅衛兄)

平民泰山玉皇頂兩中華旗(Pingmin on the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai with Two Flags of China, 20131004)(攝影:紅衛兄)

我可以以我认为合适的方式行动。我深信每个人都应该这样,即担负起自己的责任。有人会反对说这没有用处。我的回答十分简单:有用。” ——瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔(Václav Havel, 19361005 - 20111218)

1. 宪法第三十五条(The Article 35 of Constitution of The PRC)

简体中文(Simplified Chinese)


—— 《中华人民共和国宪法》第三十五条


Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.

—— The Article 35, Constitution of The People’s Republic of China(PRC, People’s ROC)

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